Friday 18 July 2014

I want you to want me (and say so)

As an average straight dude, it's not often you hear certain kinds of complements from the opposite sex.

"You're cute" or "You're attractive" or things like that are almost exclusively heard while in relationships, from friends or from bold gay dudes (I love you bold gay dudes, you make my day). We get a ton of other complements and I'm not here to say that we're really hard done by. But, women think about and enjoy sex just as much as men and check us out as much as we do them. (I'm not making that up they've done studies. If I was a better blogger I'd link them, but I'm lazy so google it.) The difference is they tell their friends and not us. They feel liberated and share pictures online of Hollywood hunks and  muscly male models (nailed the alliteration) with comments like "Unf" and the like. Half of Buzzfeed's traffic is earned through lists of hot dudes with all caps captions like "YES PLEASE" "THIS" and "LOOK." And I think that's great. What I'm saying is, its time to take that liberation and put it into our real corporeal lives. It's as much on us men as it is on women. If we want to feel desired, have our confidence boosted and our egos inflated (to a healthy level of course) we need to let women know that the days of "we pursue, you are pursued" are over. It's a lot like that Looney Toons sketch in which Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck argue about which hunting season it is, but in this version it ends with them agreeing that its just a free for all and then making out.

It's easy to think that men don't need that sort of attention. That they're stoic and confident and fine without. But we all have insecurities and we all want to feel desired. Men very much included.

But what the hell do I know.

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