Friday, 30 May 2014

Why Geeks Are Sexy

I'm a pretty sizable geek. Not as big as some, but certainly in there. I always have been. I got my hands on Tolkien and read The Lord of The Rings by 4th grade. I have had real debates over whether Batman is actually a superhero or not.(He is.) If you asked me to rank the Stars Wars films I could do it in a heartbeat and tell you why.(5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1. Because Revenge is the most compelling, Return, despite having ewoks is too exciting to discredit, New Hope has probably the best, most complete story and the most Original Obi-wan time, and the pre-quels got more watchable as it went along.) I absent mindedly hum the theme to Game of Thrones inceasently. I'm a geek and I am sexier for it.

Is it because of your geek-sheek fashion sense Jake?

Well that may have something to do with it, even NBA stars, professionally paid athletes, are joining the nerd herd after all, but I don't think that's why.

It's because geeks have passion. Nothing is sexier than someone who is passionate. Nothing. Good looks are great, intelligence comes very close but for my money passion is the sexiest thing going. 

And you don't have to love comic books or swords or lasers to be a geek. You just have to care about something to the point that you wanna know all about it. There are music geeks and film geeks and comedy geeks and sports geeks and even sex geeks (I count myself as a few of those as well) and the one thing they all have is passion. 

Find what you love. Do what you love. Be confident and proud of what you love. Share it with people you love. Geek out. Nothing is sexier. 

But, what the hell do I know?

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